The Dark Side of Generative AI

White Paper

How finance leaders can combat deepfakes and phishing schemes
The Dark Side of AI White Paper

While generative artificial intelligence (AI) offers much potential for finance teams, it has a dark side. Fraudsters are using it to their advantage to create more realistic fraud, such as AI identity theft, and targeted cyber attacks.

And it’s not just the gullible who are being fooled. Businesses need to act now by educating their leaders and finance teams. But that learning curve can be steep.

The Federal Trade Commission estimates that in 2023 impostor scams accounted for $2.7 billion in losses.

Our downloadable guide offers insight into generative AI identity fraud and other threats, including:

  • Check fraud
  • Deepfakes vs. shallowfakes
  • Phishing schemes
  • Data poisoning
  • Evasion attacks